... 1929
Magda Demetrescu
... 1932
Lilian Delescu
... 1933
Dina Mihalcea
... 1934
Hélène Dona
Ah, those Romanian Girls!
When to love then only in Bucharest,
When to have fun then in this charming city,
Ah, those Romanian girls, their kisses,
From foreign land they carry me straight into eden's gate.
When to drink, then only with Romanian girl in Bucharest,
I've been there, so follow my example,
Ah, those Romanian girls, they love drinks,
They are as good as a heady wine.
Ach te Rumunki!
Jak kochać to Rumunkę w Bukareszcie,
Jak szaleć to w tym czarującym mieście.
Ach te Rumunki, ich pocałunki
Z obcego kraju wiodą wprost do raju bram.
Jak wypić to z Rumunką w Bukareszcie,
Ja byłem tam więc mi uwierzcie.
Ach te Rumunki kochają trunki,
Jak mocne wino tak smakują nam.
(muz.Z.Białostocki, słowa A.Włast, 1934)
When to love then only in Bucharest,
When to have fun then in this charming city,
Ah, those Romanian girls, their kisses,
From foreign land they carry me straight into eden's gate.
When to drink, then only with Romanian girl in Bucharest,
I've been there, so follow my example,
Ah, those Romanian girls, they love drinks,
They are as good as a heady wine.
Ach te Rumunki!
Jak kochać to Rumunkę w Bukareszcie,
Jak szaleć to w tym czarującym mieście.
Ach te Rumunki, ich pocałunki
Z obcego kraju wiodą wprost do raju bram.
Jak wypić to z Rumunką w Bukareszcie,
Ja byłem tam więc mi uwierzcie.
Ach te Rumunki kochają trunki,
Jak mocne wino tak smakują nam.
(muz.Z.Białostocki, słowa A.Włast, 1934)
... 1935
Dorothée Christesco (Tița Cristescu)With autumn in my room
Autumn knocked on my window last night,
She knocked with fingers of cold rain...
As usual, she asked, very polite,
For me to let her in my room, again,
Then she’ll bring tobacco for my pipe,
And expensive cigarettes from Rotterdam.
I looked around, I looked inside me:
The stove is cold,
The pipe is cold,
The hand is cold,
The mouth is cold.
God! … How could I ever let her go?
If she leaves, who knows how long she’ll be?
What if this fall, to my shock,
Autumn will knock
For the last time at the door of my slum?
"Donnez-vous la peine d'entrer, Madame..."
And the woman with the eyes of smoke,
Entered, all humble and suspicious,
Like a prophecy the Sybil spoke...
False and vicious.
She came in…
And my room in just an instant
Warmed up like a bread oven,
With a spiral of smoke in the flue,
And with the kiss of Autumn, who tomorrow,
Will die, oh heavens!
Sick with the flu...
... by Ion Minulescu (translated: Cristina Hanganu-Bresch)
Cu Toamna în Odaie
Mi-a bătut azi-noapte Toamna-n geam,
Mi-a bătut cu degete de ploaie...
Şi la fel ca-n fiecare an,
M-a rugat s-o las să intre în odaie,
Că-mi aduce o cutie cu Capstan
Şi ţigări de foi din Rotterdam...
Am privit în jurul meu şi-n mine:
Soba rece,
Pipa rece,
Mâna rece,
Gura rece,
Doamne!... Cum puteam s-o las să plece?
Dacă pleacă, cine ştie când mai vine?
Dacă-n toamna asta, poate,
Toamna-mi bate
Pentru cea din urmă oară-n geam?
"Donnez-vous la peine d'entrer, Madame... "
Şi femeia cu privirea fumurie
A intrat suspectă şi umilă
Ca o mincinoasă profeţie
De Sibilă...
A intrat...
Şi-odaia mea-ntr-o clipă
S-a încălzit ca un cuptor de pâine
Numai cu spirala unui fum de pipă
Şi cu sărutarea Toamnei, care mâine
O să moară... vai!
Bolnavă de grïpă.
... 1906
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Jurnalul „Miss România” 1930 si avatarurile concursurilor de frumuseţe
Cum arata femeia care a castigat titlul de Miss Univers 1929